Needs and Wants
I want a nice designer handbag that I can carry to work.
But do I really need a designer handbag?
How is what I Need different from what I Want?
Need: Condition required for human life
• Physical/Biological: Oxygen, water, food, stimulation, activity, rest, physical safety
• Psychological: Security, pleasure, comfort, identity, self-esteem, achievement
• Social: Affiliation, intimacy, acceptance, community
Want: What we prefer to have
For example, I want a nice designer handbag that I can carry to work. But essentially, apart from a bag that can hold my keys, wallet, and cell phone, what I need is self-esteem, achievement (“I have earned enough to afford designer handbags now!”), social recognition and affiliation (“Many of my colleagues have designer handbags, and I want one too”).
Purchasing a designer handbag may not be a bad way to meet these needs, but it is not the only way. Can you think of other ways to satisfy self-esteem, achievement, social recognition and affiliation needs?
