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Six paramitas

Here is the picture that talks of the 6 paramitas in Chinese :-) Below is from Wikiepedia: In Mahāyāna Buddhism, the Prajñapāramitā sūtras, the Lotus Sutra and a large number of other texts list the six perfections: Dāna pāramitā: generosity, giving of oneself (in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, 布施波羅蜜; in Tibetan, sbyin-pa) Śīla pāramitā : virtue, morality, discipline, proper conduct (持戒波羅蜜; tshul-khrims) Kṣānti pāramitā : patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance (忍辱波羅蜜, bzod-pa) Vīrya pāramitā : energy, diligence, vigor, effort (精進波羅蜜, brtson-’grus) Dhyāna pāramitā : one-pointed concentration, contemplation (禪定波羅蜜, bsam-gtan) Prajñā pāramitā : wisdom, insight (般若波羅蜜, shes-rab) Note that this list is also mentioned by the Theravāda commentator Dhammapala, who says it is equivalent to the above list of ten.[10] In the Ten Stages Sutra, four more pāramitās are listed: 7. Upāya pāramitā: skillful means 8. Praṇidhāna pāramitā: vow, resolution, aspir...

This is a good article to review

There is really no reason to get too hanged up about the stock market.

If a man keeps dwelling on sense-objects, ...

If a man keeps dwelling on sense-objects, attachment to them arises; from attachment, desire flares up; from desire, anger is born; from anger, confusion follows; from confusion, weakness of memory; weak memory --- weak understanding; weak understanding --- ruin; But the man who is self-controlled, who meets the objects of the senses with neither craving nor aversion, will attain serenity at last. In serenity, all his sorrows disappear at once, forever; when his heart has become serene, his understanding is steadfast. The undisciplined have no wisdom, no one-pointed concentration; with no concentration, no peace; with no peace, where can joy be? *** Bhagava Gita [2.62-66]

Something to ponder

人心如水,混濁的水要經過一夜才能澄清,但是,要把泥沙已沉澱的清水攪濁,卻只需幾秒。 慈母對孩子關心無限,無怨無悔,若人人把這分心擴大到眾生,世界就安樂太平了。 修行的法門如坐禪、念佛,都是為了收心,修行收心是為了改掉假我,找回真我。 病痛使人脾氣變壞,脾氣壞又使身心更不舒服;要補充精神資糧,才能避免這種惡性循環。 在大樹下乘涼的人,比冷氣房中的人更愜意;因為心滿意足,一草一木都是美景。 修行人的心境要像鳥飛過白雲,魚躍出水面一般, 不為消失的事物煩心,讓心靈安詳