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Moving Through the Seasons by Ken -- autumn Solstice 2006

I. Arrive & Preparing for practice - Track #1 Spirit of life
* Arrive and connect with body, breath and surroundings
* Notice your mental, physical and emotional state; note any particular needs or desires and create a personal intention
* Reflect on the season of Autumn, the Solstice; movement, and meditation in your life

II. Intention & Three Intentful Corrections - #17 Total Praise
Breath, Posture/Movement, and Consciousness (mind, body, heart and spirit)

III. Review with Relaxing exercises - #8 Hush
1. Open the feet by stepping to the left; toes pointing forward, feet in parallel
2. Shoulder, elbow and wrist circles (remember soft knees and legs, relaxed mind, easy breath)
3. Shift weight turning the head, neck and arms
4. Wave hands as willows or seaweed, wave hands as clouds

IVa. Letting Go Consciously -
* Shaking out stagnant Qi
* Feel apart, tall spine, relaxed belly, chest and back; full circular breath; head tall, eyes slightly down; arms in front, tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth to complete the cosmic orbit and relax the jaw;
* relax the body and mind and remember to breathe;
* notice whatever you notice in body, mind and heart, shake or snap and release it with a sounding Aaaaahh breath

IVb. Reflection and Notetaking

Va. Renew with the three Directions
Vertical, Sideways, In/Out
* Fountain Qi
* Float hands and wrists forward and side
* Sink elbows and gather Qi ball
* Bathe the body, heart, mind and marrow
* Gather Qi by brushing backs of hands back, out and forward and create a ball of Qi bringing it into the lower Tan Tien (below the navel)
* Repeat each exercise and/or whole sequence as many times as you like

Vb. Generating Qi connecting heaven and earth
* Spontaneous Movement and locomotion
* Carpal tunnel exercise to front and sides (standing or seated)
* Dragon serving tea
* Giving Qi to the arms, shoulders and neck (alternating sides)
* Bathing the marrow and sense organs

VI. Reflection on renewal - Tenderly

VII. Closing - Total Praise
* Take a few moments to reflect on and integrate your direct experience
* Notice any new awareness or insight
* Remember what you remember, repeat and practice transitions, make the movement your own.
* Plant any seeds of intention for the day, week, or season.
* Forget what you don't remember, keep the mind relaxed
* Take a couple of conscious breaths and make a mindful transition to the rest of your day.


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