Attributes of a Personal Myth. Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. A Personal Myth (PM) is A loom on which I weave the raw materials of daily experience into a coherent story (Feinstein and Krippner) What organizes my experiences of the world and determines or influences by what categories I will engage the world’s matters. What draws me to what I imagine to be true. What frames the “als ob” or “as if” quality of my life. The “as if” quality of my days comprises the mythic principles I live by. Always evolving and continually assessing what is working and no longer working for me in my self-definition. What can harden or calcify from an organic living quality into a rigid dogmatism that is closer to a cadaver than to a vital life principle. What reveals what I believe about myself and the world; it will influence what I believe to be true. Related intimately to my organic bodily being and emanates in part from my incarnated presence in the world. An inner guide, an inner g...