I've been using chess playing as a way to kill time. Well, time can't be killed. What I mean is that I use chess playing as a way to avoid the boredom of waiting. In the Buddhism practice, it would suggest that I am just staying with myself and be with my thoughts and observe how busy it is, and I don't do anything with the thoughts. A hazard of chess playing is that it gives me a headache and tiring eyes. It is not very relaxing afterwards. Especially I tend to lose the game and out of focus when I play more games. So, it is funny that the more games I play, the more likely I lose. It is the opposite of a practice. Moderation is the key, but the chess game is highly addictive. Maybe I will play more chess when I get older as a mental exercise. I am curious to learn about which part of the brain is active when I play a chess game. Here is an article that I find on the web. Chess Playing Helps Reveal How Brain Works For release: Wednesday, May 18, 1994 Tournament-level chess...