I will make an effort to study this ancient text every day until I finish it. Here is the entry in Wikipedia. I will attempt to study these versions. Translated by Derek Lin Translated by J. Legge Translated by D.T. Suzuki & Paul Carus This one has original Chinese Text. I recalled back in the days (in high school). We tried to study the original texts. We (at least I) could not understand it. I only got the fuzzy meaning of it. Till this day, it is still fuzzy to me. The text was written in such ancient Chinese which could be written as in Greek to us. Since I am in the West now, many people here consider this as a sacred text, I will give another attempt to read it. Perhaps, with the help of multiple translations, I will finally gain some meaning of this text. My comments: There are 81 chapters of this book. The first chapter is the most famous one that contains this opening line "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the etern...